What an emotional roller-coaster. We came back from Raleigh last week just so that we could get ready for our longest journey yet, and then on Friday, The Letter arrived. Jury Duty??!! Jack to start 90 days of Santa Fe Jury Duty on August 2??!! All weekend we worried; what if they really don't let him go? What do they consider "severe hardship"? Here we've sold the house, given up my job and are getting packed. So, in to town we go, to see if he can get excused.
This day's entry is dedicated to the angel in the court scheduling office, Jamie. Jamie, thank you thank you thank you for understanding and supporting us in taking this time to take off together in our camper. Congratulations on your 8 year old enjoying her camera so much. Here's Jamie, who let Jack off of jury duty today.
We love and will miss Santa Fe, but this clinched it; we'll keep packing and should be able to leave in a few days or so.
Now if I can just accept the fact that Cookie may be better off staying here with Braldt. They are crazy about each other, but can I survive without her purring in my face at 6 am? Without her chirping conversations with me? We may be gone for months, and that kind of absence from her seems pretty impossible right now. I may have to fly home in a month and get her! After all, she is our RoadKitty.
But, going to Canada would be so much easier without her, and so will hiking. I always think of Sue's story about their cat escaping in Northern Minnesota on vacation, and turning up months later.
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